How to Find the Right Surveying Company

by | Mar 22, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

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People will typically look for a surveying company in Round Rock when they need to know information about their land or property. Finding a surveying company isn’t something that people do on a day to day basis, so when they need one, most won’t know where to start. The key to finding a really great surveying company in Round Rock is to find one that offers excellent work at a good value for your money. By following the tips below, you will not only be able to find a great surveying company that you can use once, you may actually find one that you will be comfortable with using for a lifetime.

What to Look for in a Surveying Company

Though many people will immediately try to find the cheapest surveying company in the area that is certainly not the best way to go about it, especially if you want great results. Money is only one part of the process when seeking out one of these businesses. There are definitely other things that you will want to look for. For example, you will want to make sure that the firm you are using is licensed in the area. Surveyors are required by law to carry a license and you should never work with someone who cannot prove that status.

Another thing that you should look for in a surveying company in Round Rock is that they are insured. If you bring a non-insured company to your property and an accident occurs, odds are that you will be held liable, even if the surveyor was the one being careless. When it comes to insurance, make sure they offer Worker’s Compensation insurance as well. Companies are generally required by law to carry it, but you don’t want to take any chances.

Questions to Ask

The above are some of the basic things that you should look for in a surveying company but you likely will not get a great idea of what they are about until you speak with them. It is important to ask specific questions before hiring any company that will be surveying your land. Some of these questions are:

* What expertise do you have that qualifies you for this project?

* Are you using the most technologically advanced equipment?

* Are you familiar with all of the tools you will be using including CAD, GPS and more?

Once you have the answers to all of these questions and you are satisfied with the answers, you probably are ready to hire. However, before you do, one last thing should be done…you should make sure that they are real professionals. This means that they return phone calls on time, they actively listen to you, they answer your questions in ways that you can understand and they are neat and organized. If a company can take care of all that, you can likely feel very confident hiring them for yourself.