2 Reasons Why Your HVAC System Is Causing You Allergies In Connecticut

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Air Conditioner

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While making a sandwich one day, you begin to notice that your allergies have gotten out of control. Constant sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes have become a daily struggle for months now. As you continue making your sandwich, you suddenly sneeze again, causing you to drop your sandwich on the floor. Here are two reasons why your HVAC system may be causing your allergies.


One of the main reasons why you are experiencing allergies maybe because the filters of your HVAC system may need to be cleaned or replaced. If you have not cleaned or replaced your HVAC system’s air filters within 30 to 60 days from the last replacement, then you may be experiencing allergies because of the built-up dust, dirt, and other debris found on the filters.


Another reason why you are experiencing allergies is that your air ducts may need to be serviced. Just like filters, air ducts that have not been serviced can have built-up dust, dirt, and other debris in them. This means the air that your HVAC system is blowing around in your home is contaminated by these allergens, causing you to sneeze, cough, and have watery eyes.

Who Can Help

Perhaps you are now looking for a company that offers HVAC maintenance services like filter changes and duct cleaning in Norwalk, CT. Contact the professionals at Climate Care. They offer their HVAC expertise to help you change the filters and clean the air you breathe in your home. So, when looking for a reputable company that offers HVAC maintenance services like filter changes and duct cleaning in Norwalk, CT, they are the only ones you should call. Call or visit them at website today so you can get rid of your allergies by breathing clean air. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.