Assisted living facilities can be a great way for elderly residents to maintain their sense of independence while also having help with everyday activities. Staff in these facilities are able to help residents with their daily needs but will not be constantly in the resident’s living space. Having a happy experience at a living facility requires you to pick the right one, and these three factors can help you pick the best Fairfax assisted living facility.
Consider How Much Medical Assistance Is Needed
If one of the tasks that the resident will need help with includes daily medication, it is important to know up front whether the Fairfax assisted living facility is able to provide that. Not all assisted living facilities have staff that is qualified and able to provide assistance with medicine in accordance with local and state laws. Make sure they can provide this assistance before choosing it.
Consider the Staff to Resident Ratio
If you choose a larger assisted living facility, you may encounter an overwhelmed staff responsible for more residents than they can safely help. While not all larger assisted living facilities will be bad, you do need to consider what the resident to staff ratio is, as that will determine how quickly and efficiently residents are helped.
Examine the Services Provided
Not all assisted living facilities offer the same types of services. Many offer dining, housekeeping and some type of exercise. But many other facilities offer advanced services for those with diabetes, heart and mental health conditions. Other social activities may also be available in certain facilities, such as game or dance nights. The Virginian is a Fairfax assisted living facility. Contact them now for more information.