If you suffer from vision problems, consulting LASIK doctors in Jacksonville can help you restore your vision. You should still follow good eye care practices after the surgery, but the procedure can restore your eye health completely or partially. In improving your ability to see, LASIK surgery will provide you with a long list of benefits.
Your Vision Will Significantly Improve
Following your LASIK procedure, your vision will improve almost instantly. In 95% of people who undergo the surgery, vision is restored to a minimum of 20/40, while almost 85% of people experience improved vision up to 20/20. You own doctor can tell you what you can expect in terms of results for your vision since each case is unique.
Your Recovery Time Will Be Quick
The procedure is painless, and you’ll remain awake throughout the surgery. In most situations, there won’t be a need for bandages, either. You can resume all of your normal activities within 24 hours as long as you follow your doctor’s instructions. This means you can undergo the surgery in one afternoon without disrupting your normal routine.
Save Money
You’ll have to pay for your surgery upfront, but, once LASIK doctors Jacksonville perform the procedure, you’ll start enjoying fewer expenses in terms of your eye care. While you should still schedule an eye exam each year, you’ll save the hundreds of dollars you usually spend on new eyeglasses year after year.
You can find out if you’re a good candidate for LASIK surgery by contacting Maida Custom Vision via their website at web.