After paying little attention to your dental health for a few years, getting things back on track has meant several visits to the dentist. With some of the basics out of the way, the dentist wants to talk with you about getting a dental crown in Mundelein. Why would you need a crown? Here are a few possibilities.
One has to do with protecting a tooth that was recently repaired. Perhaps there was a cavity that was now filled. A crown would help to protect the filling and extend the life of the tooth. Dentists generally want to do all that’s possible to help patients keep their real teeth for more years.
Another could have to do with a tooth that’s jagged or otherwise broken. Maybe the top is damaged or broken in some way. After repairs, a crown can help provide protection that lessens the potential for more damage to develop. This is another attempt to ensure you can keep the tooth for a longer period.
There is also the chance that the dentist is recommending the use of a dental crown in Mundelein for cosmetic purposes. The crown can help fill in a gap while ensuring the tooth is roughly the same dimensions as the teeth on each side. That crown will be tinted to match the hue of your teeth, ensuring that it blends in perfectly.
There are more reasons why your dentist is recommending a crown or two. Listen closely to the reasoning, and the benefits that the crown would bring your way. It won’t take long to see why this is the best solution in your case.
For more information, please contact North Suburban Dental today.