Anyone who lives in Saint Paul knows the results of inadequate insulation in their attic. Recognizing the key signs of problems with current insulation is important to avoid spending a lot of extra money on heating and cooling bills throughout the year.
Calling in experienced, qualified and trusted attic insulation contractors is the first step in assessing the problem and determining the best way to remediate the issue. In most cases, adding addition spray foam insulation is a safe, effective and very efficient way to prevent heat and cold air loss in both winter and summer.
There are three important signs or warning signals of problems with the current insulation in the home. Calling the best attic insulation contractors in the Saint Paul area to assess your current insulation, to make recommendations and then to carry out the installation is the easiest way of addressing the issue and saving money over the long run.
Uneven Temperatures in the House
Energy bill increases are the most obvious sign of lack of insulation in the attic, but this can sometimes be chalked up to increasing energy prices. When higher energy bills are combined with the difficulty in maintaining even temperatures in the home, insulation may be a key factor in the problem.
Roof Leaks and Musty Odors in the Attic
Roof leaks, even fairly extensive leaks, can sometimes go unnoticed. This allows the moisture to build up in the insulation, creating wet, musty, moldy odors which may become evident throughout the home.
Sometimes, issues with blocked ventilation can also create moisture in the attic. As it cannot escape, it is often absorbed by the insulation, which lowers the insulating potential.
Drafty Areas
Unexplained drafts in the home not related to issues around windows, doors or fireplaces may be a result of poor attic insulation.
By calling in attic insulation contractors to conduct tests and determine the issues, you can eliminate these problems and get back to a comfortable home year-round.