3 Things You Should Know About Food Grease Cleanup in Chicago

by | May 14, 2021 | Cleaning Service

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Restaurants serve food, which means they must meet high expectations. Customers do not want to eat food that was not prepared in a clean environment. The workload a restaurant handles on a daily tends to leave behind a lot of greasy buildups. Read on to learn a few things about cooking oil cleanup in Chicago.

Water is Not The Answer

When cooking with grease, it can get on different things and become a dried-on mess. Instinctively, you may pick up a wet rag and start to scrub the surface. Water alone will not do much for grease and oil stains.

Clean Stain Up Immediately

If you are in the middle of cooking and notice a stain, then you should clean it up immediately. You can sprinkle flour over the spill and allow it to soak up the grease. The flour will need to cool before cleaning it up with a damp paper towel.

Establish a Cleaning Schedule

It helps to put your kitchen staff on a cleaning schedule. Everyone should have specific cleaning tasks to complete every day. Unfortunately, restaurants do get busy, and your team may not complete their cleaning tasks. A solution is to have your staff come in early the next day to complete the cleaning.

It is also a good idea to have professionals come in for cooking oil cleanup in Chicago. They can get to the areas missed by your kitchen staff. A professional cleaning team can assist with hard-to-clean areas as well. Contact Cabeno Environmental Field Services LLC to request a quote today!