3 Tips for Evaluating Homes for Sale

by | Mar 24, 2021 | Real Estate

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Pre-owned homes are acceptable for some buyers but, in other cases, only new Homes For Sale in Tallahassee Fl will do. A buyer of a newly constructed home doesn’t have to inherit someone else’s problems and personal tastes, and they get the benefit of having a blank canvas on which they can leave their mark. If a buyer wants to start fresh in his or her new home, they can follow the below tips to protect themselves during the purchase process.

Hire an Agent

A builder’s agents are there to represent the builder, despite any claims to the contrary. Many agents use high-pressure sales tactics to get buyers to sign contracts, and most work on low commissions-;so turnover is essential. A buyer’s agent can help the buyer save thousands on commissions and fees, and the agent will provide competent fiduciary representation throughout the process. If the purchase contract requires the sale of the current home, a seller’s agent can help with the listing.

Don’t Rely on the Builder’s Lender

Most builders prefer to use their own lenders because they provide updates on buyers’ personal progress, but the builder’s lender may not always be the best option. Alternate sources such as credit unions and banks may offer favorable terms and rates based on a buyer’s prior financial history. A buyer’s agent may be able to provide referrals for wholesale lenders, but it’s up to the buyer to shop around to find a mortgage broker or banker with whom they feel comfortable.

Get Legal Counseling Before Making the Purchase

Buyers are strongly encouraged to consult a real estate attorney before signing a contract. While these agreements are designed to keep things out of the court system, they don’t always protect the buyer. Due diligence is important, and buyers should find out about cancellation rights and contingency removals. If the contract contains warnings about health issues related to building materials, it’s likely because it’s a legitimate concern over which other buyers have filed lawsuits.

When evaluating Homes For Sale, buyers must take steps to protect their finances and their interests. By hiring a buyer’s agent, securing favorable loan terms, and consulting a real estate attorney for advice, clients of Friendly Real Estate Group LLC can get through the process with minimal stress and hassle.