4 Signs You Need New Windows

by | Apr 4, 2022 | Home Improvement

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Replacing your windows should be done every few years. If you start seeing any of the following signs, you’ll need to replace them sooner rather than later.

Faulty Windows

If you can no longer close or open the windows properly, that’s a problem. It’s not just the air leaks. Rather, it’s a security issue. A window you can’t fully close could provide criminal elements with a way to enter your home. If you can’t fully open it, if you’re ever trapped inside the room and need to go through that window, you won’t be able to come out. In either case, a faulty window needs to go.

High Energy Bills

If you have high energy bills, that’s another sign that you need to shop for windows replacement in Fairfax, VA. Wood warps. If you have wood frame windows, that would have led to air leaks over time. That would have allowed the air inside your home to leak through. At the same time, the gaps in your window frame would also let the air from outside into your home. This forces your AC to work harder just to keep your home cool or to warm it up. Installing new windows will eliminate the problem.


Are there signs of condensation on your windows often? That could indicate that the seals have eroded, which leads to air leaks again. If you can’t get your room to warm up or cool down as much as you know your unit can, then the air leaks could be the problem.

Visible Damage

After years of exposure to the elements, it’s only natural for your windows to show visible damage. If you leave those cracks or fractures alone, those will only widen over time. Prevent any further damage to your home by replacing your windows. Evergreen Contractors Inc.