6 Tips on How to Play the Piano Better

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Music Instruments

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Learning how to play the piano can be fun. If you’re having a blast and you want to speed up your pace, check out the following tips.

Play the classics

You will develop a better appreciation of piano playing when you learn to play the classics. They may seem boring to you right at the start, but those pieces will help you develop technical abilities. That is one way to become a better player, Spinditty says.

Don’t stop improving

If you mastered a technique, start on another one. Never stop improving. Keep at it until you see a major improvement in your techniques and understanding of the pieces.

Go to class

It pays to know the basics. If you only rely on YouTube videos, then you may not get a good handle on the basics. That matters. Your knowledge of the basics will form the foundation of your skills. If that isn’t solid, then your lack of knowledge will derail your progress. Don’t let that happen. Sign up for piano lessons in Moscow ID for a proper start.


Practice makes perfect. However, that does not mean playing the piano for hours on end can constitute good practice. Are you practicing mindlessly? Or is your mind focused on every note? That is going to make a difference in the quality of the music.

Ask for help

Do not be afraid to ask for help during your piano lessons in Moscow ID. Your teacher is there to give you guidance and support. If there is a particularly hard movement or technique you cannot seem to master, reach out and ask for help.

Start now

There is no age limit to learning a musical instrument. You aren’t too old to learn. Look for a class and start challenging yourself with your first ever piano lesson.