Call centers provide important services for many industries. The agents in these services should be friendly and knowledgeable. They are often the first, sometimes the only, contact a customer has with a business. How the calls are handled can be the deciding factor for whether a customer continues to do business with a company, or if a sale is made.
Telecommunications Unlimited Services (Tel-Us) is a full service call center. Their agents are not only professional and reliable, they are also bilingual. They offer a full range of Call Center Services. They can make appointments, staff the phone lines for your fundraiser, take orders, register people for events and more.
Tel-Us acts as the answering service for many busy professionals like doctors, lawyers and plumbers. They can be your virtual receptionists 24 hours a day for no more missed calls. Your customers will feel more secure when they realize you can be contacted any time of the day or night. They will also appreciate having a live operator to speak to, rather than a machine to leave a message on. Tell-Us also offers web services such as email answering, tech help and live chat services.
Tel-Us Call Center is a complete virtual office, helpful if you want to lower overhead and eliminate an office space you use only once a month, or less. They provide a physical location for conferences and meetings in Beverly Hills. They also offer a location for package drop-offs, so you never miss a package again. There is also a prestigious mailing address you can use for your company if you choose.
Tel-Us is committed to providing friendly service to your customers and to you. They will work with you to customize the service exactly how you need it to be. You will finally have more money in your pocket because in addition to being affordable, the Tel-Us services provide a streamlined efficiency necessary for any successful business.
Tel-US has many happy, satisfied customers and a long list of awards they have won. Find out why Tel-Us is known as the premier call center service across Los Angeles, San Diego and Long Beach.