Nickel Plating At Work: Purpose And Applications

by | Nov 20, 2015 | Plating

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Nickel can be an attractive metal. It has a sheen about it that many consider pleasing. Nickel plating (or nickel electric-deposition) is one way of achieving the same result for lesser metals. In doing so, a manufacturer can provide clients with a product that increases its visual appeal and, therefore, may affect its ultimate sale ability.

Yet, there is more to nickel than its aesthetics. Manufacturers also choose nickel plating over other methods for two major reasons:

1. Cost: Nickel is less expensive than such precious metals as gold, silver and platinum

2. Practicality: The properties of nickel enhance those of the substrate metal through nickel plating improving it in a number of functional ways

Why Choose Nickel Plating?

While electroless nickel plating is the type more individuals are familiar with. It is possible to electroplate nickel in the more recognized manner. In fact, it is increasingly becoming more common. Nickel plating is one method manufacturers opt for when they want to enhance the chemical and physical properties of certain components. By employing nickel as the surface layer over a substrate, it provides the resulting item with

  • Improved Wear Resistance – increases durability and stability
  • Increased Heat Resistance
  • Better Corrosion Resistance

In addition to the silvery finish that nickel plating provides, these functional properties are companies need to have for their components. As for the finishing companies – they like the ability of nickel to flow evenly over the entire surface without fuss or muss. They also enjoy the ease with which they can produce a smooth surface.

Metal Substrates for Nickel Plating

Nickel plating is one of the most common processes employed by many finishing companies. The metals that receive the electric-deposition include:

  • Brass
  • Steel
  • Molybdenum
  • Uranium

Of the four metals mentioned above, brass and steel remain the most common substrates employed in the nickel plating process.

The Applications of Nickel Plating

Nickel plating has found its use throughout many industries. Several turn to it for its decorative appeal, but the major attraction is the properties with which it provides the substrate metal. Several industries and manufacturing concerns turn to finishers to supply nickel electroplating. These include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Automotive industry
  • Bicycle production
  • Hardware items
  • Household appliances – for both appearance and functionality
  • Marine industries
  • Plumbing fittings
  • Shop fittings

These industries rely on finishing companies to provide them with components and items that are attractive, practical and cost-effective. This is why many depend on high quality nickel plating to achieve these goals.

Nickel Plating: Effective, Practical and Attractive

For many industries, nickel electroplating has become as popular as its electroless version. Nickel has always been employed in the production of certain items. Whatever the method, nickel provides certain desirable qualities to a substrate metal component. Its shine, its functionality and its low cost are certain to ensure that nickel electroplating continues to be popular with manufacturers around the world.

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