Local patients experience signs and symptoms of common foot-related problems. These conditions affect how their mobility and lead to more complex concerns if they aren’t managed properly. A local Podiatrist Evanston IL provides these patients with an accurate diagnosis and treatment strategy today.
Addressing Plantars Warts
Plantars warts are caused by a viral infection that affects the skin. Patients are more likely to develop these conditions if they use publicly-accessible areas such as showers, hot tubs, or pools. Any areas in which the skin of the feet and hands are exposed to bacteria present a risk. For most patients, a surgical removal of the warts is necessary if topical solutions fail.
What is Plantar Fasclitis?
Plantar fasclitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia. The condition causes the fibrous tissue to stretch and extend from the heel and produce serious pain. The arch of the foot and heel are often the most common areas of pain when this condition develops. It is caused by excessive stretching. The most common duration in which symptoms are more severe is in the morning. The condition requires treatment with a topical cream. If the patient doesn’t seek treatment quickly, heel spurs develop.
Reviewing How Corns Develop and Proper Treatment
A corn developed due to excessive skin cell accumulation. These dead skin cells create a hardened layer with a cone shaped core inside it. This core shifts when the patient walks and causes serious nerve pain. Patients may also develop this condition due to wearing shoes that are too tight. Topical treatments and oils are used to treat the corn; however, patients must start a regimen to remove dead skin cells and prevent further corns from developing.
The Effects of Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that develops between the toes of men. It is associated with excessive sweating. The patient may need an anti-fungal spray to manage the infection and eliminate it completely.
Local patients need regular services through a Podiatrist to maintain their feet more proactively. These services allow them to reduce the onset of common conditions such as corns, warts, and athlete’s foot. Patients who wish to set up an appointment for these services should contact Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic today. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.