When you observe seniors exercising actively, not overweight and embodying an image of good health, it is easy to suggest it must be in their genes. In reality, by exercising regularly throughout life and eating healthily, they are going to improve their fitness during the senior years and hopefully boost their lifespan because of excellent overall wellbeing. When your organization employs excellent food service companies that offer healthy and balanced menus, your company can play a significant role in encouraging this outcome for all of its employees.
Getting Employees Out from Behind the Desk
Asking employees to park their vehicle as far away from the organization’s front door, encourages people to walk. By using the stairs rather than the of elevator, individuals may take slightly longer to reach a different part of the building, but they will be building a level of fitness that will help them through their working life and afterwards.
Food service companies that manage the cafeterias in company offices and other locations can help employees by offering menus that are consistent with healthy eating and drinking. This helps maintain the energy required during the working day, reduces sick days for employees and helps all individuals target a better lifestyle when they are away from their work environment.
The company food menu can offer healthy snacks to help avoid the fat and sugar intake of many products seen on the supermarket shelves. They may look inviting, but are only tempting poor eating habits.
The traditional five portions of fruit and vegetables per day can be enhanced with great menu selections and ensuring healthy discussions with employees and food service companies to help make those menu selections.
Where healthy alternatives to chips, cakes and chocolate based snacks are available, new habits are formed, which increase the opportunities for employees to eat healthily and make similar choices when away from their desk.