What Determines Quality Plastics and Rubber?

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Rheology

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Unequivocally, when it comes to physical materials there is no human invention as versatile, ingenious or useful as the plastic.

Plastics are a double-edged sword environmentally, but as we continue to understand and learn more about the chemical possibilities of artificial polymers and plastic combinations, we continue to innovate into the directions of ultra-durable, highly specialized plastics with fine-tuned industrial uses and parameters, and environmentally-friendly biodegradable plastic and artificial rubber variants.

But let’s take a step back and focus on what’s far more important – the present, and the possibilities afforded by quality modern technology in the realm of plastics manufacturing. No one has to tell you that your business possesses wide potential when dabbling in plastics – but to accurately provide your customers with a larger variety of quality plastic goods and rubbers, you need to be able to check the exact chemical specifications of your product through a tool like an extrusion plastometer., equipped with the proper MFI (melt flow index) standards as per PT Online.

How a Plastometer Works

Plastometers, also known as melt flow indexing machines, are devices built for the express purpose of finding out the plasticity and recovery of rubber. Rheology – the study of material flow and plasticity – is both a specialization of science and an industry with equipment necessary for upholding the highest standards of the plastics and rubber industries.

Since rubber quality and usefulness for certain purposes differentiates wildly depending on a number of factors, utilizing an extrusion plastometer can help you give customers a perfect idea of how your product will hold up for a number of different uses.

Finding a quality extrusion plastometer requires a little input and research by way of the Internet. Through a simple search or with the help of local directories, you should be able to shortlist a number of rheology equipment suppliers and manufacturers in your state. Going local helps you keep costs down, and avoid damage that could occur due to the risk of transporting what is essentially highly-calibrated measuring equipment.