Tips For A New Threaded Stud Welder

by | May 19, 2017 | Welding Equipment

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Purchasing a new stud gun, power supply, and cables is always a chance to try out your new threaded stud welder and see how it performs. While the new technology that is integrated into these systems makes them easy to use, there are some settings and adjustments that will need to be made based on the application as well as the results.

Generally, the arc stud welding process, or the drawn arc welding process, is completed with the larger studs and the heavier workpieces. For smaller diameter types of stud welding and with thinner workpieces, Capacitative Discharge or CD welding is most often recommended. This prevents even slight marring of the opposite side of the workpiece.

Signs of Problems

The threaded stud welder process using the drawn arc welding equipment is very easy. The threaded stud is placed against the surface of the workpiece and drawn up, creating the space for the arc to form. This arc creates the ignition tip (a small protrusion on the base of the weld stud) as well as a small amount of the workpiece.

At this time the stud is plunged down into the molten pool. This pool is kept in place by small ceramic ring known as a ferrule. The process is completed when the gun is withdrawn, and the ferrule is broken off.

The biggest problems occur with too much power and time for the process, or not enough power, plunge and time. Once creates a sloppy, messy looking weld that is irregular while the latter creates an incomplete weld or only a partial weld under the ignition tip area of the stud.

The threaded stud welder process can be adjusted for time and power. This allows for more or less arc and more or less plunge to create the ideal fillet that is consistent, smooth and complete.