4 Reasons to Talk to An Injury Lawyer in Walker, MN

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Legal Advice

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If you have been injured in an accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice case, or due to the negligence of someone else, meeting with a Walker, MN personal injury attorney relatively quickly after the injury makes good sense.

There are several reasons to meet with an injury lawyer in Walker, MN but four rise to the top of the list for most injured people. Understanding why these reasons matter in getting a fair settlement will help determine if this is the right move for your legal case.

Free Consultation

One reason to meet with a top, reputable injury lawyer is that it won’t cost you a penny. These professionals offer a free initial case evaluation to help understand the facts and to determine if they are able to take on your case.

This also allows the client to evaluate the attorney and to find legal representation that meets their needs and their comfort level.

Understanding the Challenges

Many people assume that if they are injured they have the right to settlement and the injury was the fault of someone else. This is incorrect as many injuries occur because of personal negligence, failing to pay attention or because of personal actions.

Understanding the possible challenges to your case can help you in determining if you wish to move forward or to accept a settlement offer that may be on the table.

Streamlining the Process

The vast majority of personal injury cases will never go to court. They will settle through direct negotiation, mediation or sometimes through an arbitration process. By working with an attorney, it is more likely the settlement will occur prior to court, which has benefits for the injured party.

Increasing the Settlement

Borden, Steinbauer, Kruger & Knudson, P.A. has individuals with an experienced, tend to have higher settlements than those without representation. In many cases, this is a significant difference, and should not be simply dismissed.