An Accident Attorney in Fort Worth Knows the Most Common Causes of Vehicle Accidents

by | Jul 27, 2018 | Attorney

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Traffic, road safety and transportation officials take a strong interest in figuring out ways to reduce vehicle collision rates and severity. Statistics show what the most common causes of these collisions are, indicating that most crashes could be prevented if drivers would be more alert, attentive and careful. An accident attorney in Fort Worth represents clients who have been seriously hurt in these incidents and want to make sure they get maximum financial compensation.

Distracted Driving

Distracted, inattentive driving is the most frequent cause of vehicle accidents. People have always eaten behind the wheel, fiddled with the radio, checked their appearance in the rear-view mirror, and watched something happening off the road.

The problem has been significantly worsened with the advent of cell phones, especially when it comes to textinng. However, even talking on the phone is distracting in a way that talking with a passenger in the car is not. The National Safety Council reports that 25% of vehicle collisions are related to cell phone use. Reading and sending text messages while driving can have deadly results. An accident attorney in Fort Worth represents injured persons and families of those who were killed in these situations.


Traveling faster than the posted speed limit is the second cause most frequently cited by authorities. Those limits are set to keep everyone safe according to the traffic numbers, and road configuration and location. Yet, people very often ignore speed limits. When they travel too fast, the risk of losing control of the vehicle and not being able to react quickly enough to an unexpected situation highly increases.


Fatigue, drowsiness and actually falling asleep behind the wheel also cause many accidents each year. The effects can range from minor rear-end fender benders to outright disaster. Reaction time and decision-making processes are drastically slowed down when someone is struggling to stay awake while driving. Falling asleep leads to a total loss of control; it’s a frequent reason why a driver crosses into a lane of oncoming traffic.

A person who has been seriously injured in a vehicle accident may contact an organization such as David S. Kohm & Associates for help. Visit  to get started.

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