If you have noticed that your hearing seems to be worse than it used to be, it is possible that you are experiencing hearing loss that has gone undiagnosed. This is not uncommon. Based on information from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, about 13% of Americans over the age of twelve have some amount of hearing loss in a single or both ears. If you believe this may be the case for you, that means it’s time to make an appointment with an audiologist.
What Audiologists Do
Audiologists are able to treat, diagnose, evaluate, and manage balance disorders, hearing loss, and auditory problems such as tinnitus. These professionals work with people of varying ages, from infants to senior citizens. Some of the things an audiologist is trained to do include:
- Providing hearing tests for patients
- Fitting and prescribing hearing aids
- Determining the degree and type of hearing loss
- Implementing and building hearing screening programs for children
- Performing hearing related surgical monitoring
- Implementing training techniques as rehabilitation
Where to Find These Professionals
The good thing about requiring an appointment with an audiologist is that they exist in all sorts of different places. Some are part of a group practice while others have a private practice of their own. In addition, there are audiologists at schools, hospitals, and care facilities of all sorts. You will also find them at government agencies, large clinics, and VA hospitals. Choosing the right location to visit may involve finding where your insurance coverage will help you pay for the appointment.
What to Expect
You can expect to be given a hearing test by a professional, which will clue them in on any diagnosis that is appropriate for you. Audiologists are trained and licensed healthcare professionals who are there to assist you with your hearing issues. Because of the extensive education and training, you can trust this person to offer the best possible solutions for your specific needs. Beyond a hearing test, your medical professional will help you determine any devices you may need to improve your hearing or set up training techniques to assist you.
Set Up an Appointment Today
At The Hearing Specialists, we offer a wide variety of services to our patients. These include tinnitus treatment, live speech mapping, hearing aid fitting, and much more. If you are looking for a professional to visit, we’d be happy to help. You can learn a bit more about our practice by visiting Web. You can also connect with us on Facebook for more updates.