Utilize The Guidance Of A Specialized Attorney If You Are A Disabled Veteran

by | Oct 9, 2018 | Attorney

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Various benefits may be available if you are a veteran who became disabled while serving your country. However, you should be aware that applying for benefits can be tricky. It’s advisable to seek the help of a VA disability claim attorney so that you increase the probability that your application will be accepted.

Receiving Veterans Compensation Benefits

To qualify for benefits, you must meet these eligibility requirements:

– Currently be disabled and diagnosed by a professional in the medical field
– Demonstrate that an injury or disease occurred while you were in the service
– Provide medical evidence

While matching these requirements may sound easy, claiming benefits is a complex process that requires you to complete specific forms in a timely manner. If you fail to correctly follow certain guidelines, you risk having your claim denied.

There is an appeals process that you can follow if you are denied benefits. It’s highly recommended that you use a VA disability claim attorney to guide you through this process.

An Experienced VA Disability Claim Attorney Knows The Way

Properly filling out an application or attempting to traverse the appeals process is much easier if you have an experienced lawyer on your side. They have years of experience with disability law, and they have successfully helped many other individuals who were seeking benefits just like you.

There can be a lot to keep up with if you are already dealing with an illness or injury. When you add the complexity of disability law on top of that, it can become quite overwhelming.

Hiring A Specialized Attorney Can Be Effective

While any third party can assist you, it’s best to use a specialized attorney who has the ability to utilize a comprehensive approach. They will make sure that your conditions are properly documented so that no technical problems slip through the cracks.

If you need help receiving benefits, contact Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices at VeteransBenefits.com.