How Judicial Calendar Software Can Help Courts

by | Jan 3, 2012 | Business And Finance

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Managing the Courts calendar is never an easy assignment. There are often several competing professions vying for the courts and the judges time. Fortunately, for many courts, times have changed the courts professionals have understood the need for a scheduling solution that will benefit the court, judges, and the attorneys coming before it. Judicial calendaring / scheduling software helps to maintain, information on court events and hearings s trials can be maintained as easy as 1-2-3.

Since maintaining, and remembering hundreds of trial dates at the same time can be a huge task, the software offers complete solution to the problem. Being an attorney or a lawyer, you have much more to think about, rather than racking your brains remembering different dates set by the court. This software offers convenient and quick solutions to all lawyers, attorneys and judges to schedule and maintain all dates including the next date of hearing. All you need to have is a bar number that would help you to schedule, re-schedule or even cancel hearings. Once you install a judicial calender software and enter all the details of court schedule, you will receive a fax that with the details include the confirmation code/number, date and time of hearing, case number and also the court where the hearings is scheduled.

If you need to change a date or time, it can be easily done with the confirmation code or number that is given to you. Previously, doing such things seemed a herculean task, but now with the availability of Judicial calender systems, such tasks can be done simply and efficiently. The best part is, the judicial calender software allows the court to give general public access too, by uploading the calender data on the judge’s or attorney’s website. It is as easy to use as it is to set up the software, and those people who have used these systems will be able to tell you how wonderful the experience has been for them!

Here are some features of judicial calender system:

Conflict resolution
Public and attorney access to calender
Case history reporting
Exporting to Word, Excel and PDF

This software helps to save time and increase staff productivity. There are a number of companies from where you can buy a judicial calender software. But, it is always advisable that you do proper researching so that you can choose one of best quality.