As a college student, you are well aware of the importance of budget living. Once you pay your bills and purchase food, you may not have much left over for anything else. While you would love to hit the road on the weekends, you may not have the necessary funds to get that far. But you can still have fun if you plan a fabulous time while at your student apartment. Continue reading to learn helpful staycation ideas.
Explore Your Community
While you are busy studying for your next exam and completing tasks for your job, you may have missed wonderful opportunities that you pass each day. There are exciting tasks close by that you have not taken advantage of. Apartments near UT Austin have many amenities for you to explore. Take a walk around the community and try the pool with tanning ledge, internet cafe, arcade, and lounge with a fireplace and multiscreen TV wall. You can do these activities on your own or invite friends and roommates to try with you.
Host a Movie Night
Apartments near UT Austin come fully furnished with chic, contemporary furniture and decor. Along with that, you will have complimentary wi-fi and a large flat-screen TV in your living room. You can use this space to host a movie night with your roommates or friends. You can use the roomy kitchen to set up snacks, like popcorn, chopped veggies, and diced fruit.
Get more ideas on having fun at apartments near UT Austin with Ion Austin by visiting their website.