3 Reasons for a Non-Custodial Parent to Hire a Child Custody Lawyer

by | Sep 3, 2021 | Lawyer

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While many parents work out child custody arrangements that work well, things don’t always go as planned. As a non-custodial parent, the well-being of your child is of paramount importance. If any of the following is happening, now is the time to hire a Westport child custody lawyer and find out what can be done.

Family courts tend to take a dim view of custodial parents denying non-custodial parents visitation rights as outlined in the custody agreement. If you have reason to believe that cancellations, postponements, and other issues are more than chance events, it’s time to see what can be done to ensure you and your child do get to spend time together. A lawyer can help with that.

Your child is telling you things about what’s happening in the custodial parent’s home that make you uneasy. They obviously upset your child. Attempts to discuss the issues with the custodial parent have repeatedly failed. It may be time to take legal action, up to and including a change in which parent has physical custody.

Your child has reached an age when he or she indicates living with you would be a more desirable choice. If that desire is based on something other than not being happy with the custodial parent’s house rules, the courts may approve a change. Consulting with a Westport child custody lawyer will help you know how to pursue the change.

Ultimately, the goal of custody arrangements is to ensure the best interests of minor children are protected. If you have any reason to think the current situation is not good for your child, schedule a consultation with a Westport child custody lawyer. Together, it’s possible to identify what can be done and how to proceed.

For more information, please contact The Family Law Firm of Healy & Eliot at https://www.thefamlawfirm.com/ today.