Telemedicine for MMJ Reevaluation

by | Dec 24, 2021 | Health Care

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As a result of the pandemic, Ohio is allowing patients to use telemedicine marijuana services. This makes it possible for patients to continue their treatment without leaving the safety of their own homes.

Telemedicine makes it possible for patients to access healthcare remotely. Medical marijuana patients and doctors both find this advancement to be exciting.

Medical Marijuana Card Renewals

In Ohio, after initial approval, medical marijuana cards are valid for 12 months. Prior to the date of expiration, patients must be reevaluated by a certified physician in order to renew their card. It is recommended that patients begin the renewal process 30-60 days before their current card reaches expiration.

According to the state guidelines for telemedicine marijuana reevaluations, patients are able to make an appointment for a virtual visit with a certified physician rather than visit the office in person. In addition to being safer and more convenient for the patients, telemedicine marijuana reevaluations can also speed up the process of getting your medical marijuana card renewed. This is an excellent option for patients who have a busy schedule and do not want to risk a gap in their treatment.

Requests To Continue Remote Care

While the option to use telemedicine to renew medical marijuana cards was first introduced in the state due to the pandemic, many patients and doctors alike are requesting the option be made permanent. Patients who are unable to leave their homes to visit a doctor’s office in person would no longer have to worry about their card expiring before they are able to be reevaluated.