Reliable heating is something many households take for granted. Yet, without the right maintenance, heating systems can fail and leave households cold and uncomfortable. Check out these tips for keeping one’s Arlington Heights heating working its best.
Schedule Seasonal Maintenance Service
Before winter arrives, call a local HVAC company for heating maintenance. Professional maintenance is one of the easiest ways to keep the residential heating system performing its best year after year. During a seasonal service call, a qualified service technician checks the unit for any signs of damage and makes minor repairs. They also clean the unit, lubricate parts, tighten screws, and provide homeowners with valuable information about their system.
Other benefits of seasonal maintenance include:
- Improved efficiency
- Fewer repairs
- increased lifespan
Help the Heating System Do Its Job
Another tip for keeping one’s heating system in good shape is to help it do its job. When frigid temperatures arrive in the area, the heater has to work harder to keep the home warm. One way to manage the heating system’s energy exertion is to open shades during the day and let the sunlight in. Doing this naturally heats the house and takes some pressure off the unit.
Don’t Forget Filter Changes
Even if one has a seasonal maintenance package with a local HVAC company, changing the filter is still a task households need to stay on top of. Replace the filter once a month to improve airflow and keep the air clean.
Have more questions about Arlington Heights heating? Get in touch with Allied Air Conditioning & Heating Corporation, our location info Palatine and Libertyville. Visit them online at