Thin eyelashes can negatively impact your self-esteem. You may wish you had thick, luscious lashes without mascara. You can achieve your goals with eyelash extensions in Closter, NJ. The following will help you decide if these extensions are right for you.
The Benefits
Most people pursue eyelash extensions in Closter, NJ, for cosmetic reasons. These extensions last longer and are less messy than makeup solutions. Eyelashes are thicker and longer while looking natural to give individuals confidence in their appearance. Individuals with drooping eyelids often rely on lash extensions to detract from their eyelids while drawing attention to their eyes.
How Long Do They Last?
Eyelash extensions in Closter, NJ, come in various types. Each type has unique pros and cons. Before choosing one, talk to your beauty professional about which ones they recommend. They should explain why they feel a specific type will work best for your situation. How long they last vary, depending on how quickly your lashes grow. Most people can expect them to last about four weeks before replacing them.
What to Know Before and After Treatment
Before getting your eyelash extensions in Closter, NJ, clean your eyelashes well. Removing makeup residue, dirt, and oil ensures the extensions adhere well. After application, you should avoid washing your face for at least four hours to allow the adhesive to cure. Your beautician may advise avoiding swimming pools, spas, and saunas for a few days. Stay away from eyelash curlers and only use water-based mascara.