Alberta Genset Generator To Keep Business Running

by | Jan 31, 2013 | Uncategorized

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Keep your business up and running with Alberta Genset Generator A genset generator is the entire set of things you need to keep the generator powering your business. This means that during any type of weather or through any electrical issue, Alberta genset generator will keep you powered. Generators are becoming more and more common for businesses large and small. No one wants to have to power down, even during a serious storm. The last thing you need is to cease production or work activity once people are safely able to reach work and home. There’s no reason to rely on the government to restore power when you can have your own genset generator ready to go at any time.

Types of Generator Sets

Choosing the right generator set for you depends on your needs. There are two types of generator sets, those that run on diesel fuel and those that run on natural gas.

  • Diesel-powered generator sets are available in 10-600 kw.
  • Natural gas-powered generator sets are available in 20-125 kw.
  • Rubber isolators minimize vibration for durability and less sound.
  • Additional rubber between the engine and radiator protect the vibration of the generator.

Additional Equipment For Generator Sets

There’s additional equipment that can work with a generator set. These things include a main breaker, an automatic idle for the warmup and cool down of the generator and a permanent magnet generator (PMG) allows the generator to power through a short circuit of 300%. These are small, yet important details that can affect productivity when you are relying on a generator.

When buying any genset or additional equipment for the generator, it is important to buy from a company that is willing to train employees on how to correctly use the generator. For some work places, such as remote mining, the genset is an integral part of the work day and must be cared for properly by people who understand how the machine works.

Buying a genset online allows you to check the specs of the generator and correspond with the company for their insight on how that particular make and model measures up to your generator needs. Generators on this scale run on computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) which is a requirement for properly running the machine. Operations and maintenance services are usually provided by the same company that sells you the generator.

Find out more about Alberta Genset Generator by visiting our site . We have a variety of genset and generators for commercial business purposes.