3 Signs You Need a Scottsdale Lawyer Who Specializes in Head Injuries

by | Nov 28, 2023 | Lawyer

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It’s always a good idea to consult a lawyer after you have been injured in an accident, but you may need a special type of injury lawyer in some cases. If you’re experiencing the signs of a head injury or brain trauma, you should look for a brain injury attorney near Scottsdale, AZ. They will have the expertise necessary for handling the unique details involved in this type of case.

Take Headaches Seriously

The early signs of a traumatic brain injury can be subtle or easily mistaken for less serious conditions. One common sign is the frequent occurrence of headaches. If you get headaches that seem to return or worsen following your accident, you may need treatment for a head injury.

Watch Out for Extreme Sleepiness

Another subtle sign that your accident resulted in a brain injury is a feeling of sleepiness. In particular, a brain injury could cause you to fall asleep without warning. People might also find that it’s difficult to wake you. A medical examination will tell you if you should talk to a brain injury lawyer after your accident.

Take Vision Changes Seriously

It’s also a good idea to consult a brain injury attorney near Scottsdale, AZ if your vision changes after an accident. Losing vision in one or both eyes is one change you might experience, but you might just notice that your vision seems blurrier. Your doctor can help you determine if your vision changes are the result of a head injury.

Many people avoid consulting an attorney due to a lack of financial resources, but your initial consultation is always free of charge.