A Child Custody Attorney in Chattanooga, TN Can Help You Retain Custody of Your Child

by | May 22, 2019 | Law Services

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Studies have shown that divorce can have a devastating effect on children. They are often confused about why this is happening and wonder if it’s their fault. Unless one parent is abusive, they will feel torn between their parents. Who gets custody of the kids is one decision that tends to turn a simple divorce into a fight.

Make your child custody case easier with the right child custody attorney in Chattanooga, TN. When hiring a lawyer to represent you, ask them how much experience they have with family law. Before meeting with your attorney, you should decide what type of custody you want. Divorce and child custody case are two separate issues handled by the court.

Sole versus Joint Custody

Sole custody is not used much today unless your child custody attorney can prove that the other parent is unfit. You will most likely be granted a joint custody agreement. This arrangement is better for the children since they will continue to have both parents in their lives. Joint custody usually works with the children living with one parent on weekdays and the other on weekends.

Physical and Legal Custody

Physical custody and legal custody are very different issues that your child custody attorney will explain more thoroughly. Physical custody relates to which parent the child will live with most of the time. Legal custody is usually granted to both parents equally. This gives each of them the right to make important decisions for the children, such as medical treatments or religious affiliation.

Visit Divorcechattanooga.com to schedule a consultation. One of their lawyers will go over your options and explain the process of your custody case to you. Some of their child custody services also include child support and visitation.