A Complete Guide to Septic Tank Installation in Auburndale, FL

by | Aug 17, 2016 | Septic Tanks

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Septic tank systems are generally used in houses that are not connected to the main sewage system. This is a self-sustaining drainage system that requires maintenance at least once for every few months of use. Water from the drainage pipes in the house connects to a septic tank. Typically, 50% of the solid material in the wastewater is separated in the septic tank and drops to the bottom, until it is eventually pumped out. The rest of the water passes through to the drainfield. After every few months, you will need to call in a specialist for pumping the septic tanks. In case the system gets clogged, you might have no other option than to get a new septic tank installed.

Determine the Size

Several companies can handle septic tank installation in Auburndale, FL. However, before you make the call, you need to determine the size of the tank you want. If you use a lot of water, a bigger septic tank might be necessary. If you have a smaller tank coinciding with above average water usage, the system might start clogging up on days you use additional water.

Request Quotes

Most plumbing specialists that offer septic tank installation will give you a tailored quote that includes the price of a new septic tank and the costs of installation. Septic tanks are installed within the ground, and need to be connected with inlet and outlet pipes carefully. Even though you can learn how to install the septic tanks on your own, it’s best to let a professional handle it.

Septic tank installation usually takes a few hours. The plumbing specialist will carry out a walkthrough test of the whole plumbing system to confirm that everything is working normally. Most tanks also come with a guarantee in case of a leakage or valve breakage.