Though not everyone accused of a crime is guilty, it can be an extremely stressful time for anyone trying to prove their innocence. This isn’t the time to handle things alone. When the freedom of the accused is at stake, it’s time to speak to the best criminal lawyers. A criminal lawyer has knowledge of the law and can help the accused understand exactly what the charges are and, more importantly, what the penalties may be if convicted. Most criminal lawyers recommend the accused not answer any questions without a lawyer present, as questions can be slanted in such a way that the accused may confess to a crime he or she did not commit, without even realizing it.
It doesn’t matter if the charges are drug related, or involve theft or murder, when the penalty can be severe, it’s never worth it to gamble on freedom. A criminal lawyer in Singapore, such as one from the Bishop Law Corp. can advise if their client should plead guilty or not guilty and explain what the consequences may be with either choice. After reviewing the evidence, the lawyer may recommend the client to accept a plea deal, if one is offered. Though it is an admission of guilt, if there is much evidence stacked against the accused, it may be recommended to take a lesser charge with a less severe penalty than rolling the dice on a more severe charge and be put away for years. A recommendation such as this from a criminal attorney is best followed, as it comes from years of experience with similar cases.
It doesn’t matter if someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time or if they made a terrible mistake and got caught, a criminal charge is serious. If contacted by the police for questioning or already charged with a crime, talking to an attorney is the next step. Most firms have websites to learn more about the firm and how to contact them for more information. When taking the time to visit websites, review the experience of the attorneys to find a good fit. When your freedom, or that of a loved one, is at stake, don’t take a chance. Take the time to choose an attorney to provide the representation you need.