Never agree to get an insurance policy without asking questions. This is true no matter if you are working to get the most out of your car insurance policy or if you are looking to get more coverage. Here are a couple of questions to get you started.
When speaking with an agent about auto insurance in Sumter, SC, it is important to know what your deductible will be. If you have an accident in the future and must file an insurance claim, your deductible is what will be paid out of pocket. You need to make sure that this works with your financial situation before agreeing to the policy. It is also important to ask about the premium you will pay. This may be something you pay on a monthly or yearly basis.
Find out what happens if you are in a car accident. Ask the agent what process you will go through to file a claim. Ask how long it will take for the damage to be inspected, how many estimates will be needed, and if there are specific repair shops you will have to work with. Also, ask if the auto insurance in Sumter, SC, you are considering will cover a rental car.
Ask about liability coverage. Each state has a minimum amount that is required. Ask if the agent recommends something in addition to the minimum requirement.