Chiropractic Massage Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL for Neck Pain

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Chiropractic

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Neck pain can be related to injuries and degenerative conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by disc herniations, osteoporosis, sprains and strains, and nerve inflammation. Prescription pain medications can help provide relief, however, they can cause adverse reactions and certain types of prescription pain drugs may also lead to dependence. If you are seeking a non-pharmaceutical treatment method for your neck pain, consider the following benefits chiropractic massage therapy in St. Petersburg, FL can offer.

Enhanced Blood Flow

Massage therapy can enhance the blood flow to the affected areas of your neck. This helps relieve pain, improve flexibility, and promote the healing process. The enhanced blood flow and circulation produced by massage therapy in St. Petersburg, FL can also enhance your neck’s range of motion. If you have sustained a whiplash injury or neck sprain as a result of a motor vehicle accident your neck range of motion may be severely limited.

Minimizing Inflammation And Pain

Chiropractic massage therapy can also help reduce inflammation and neck pain. Certain injuries can lead to inflammation of the muscles, ligaments, nerves, and tendons in your neck, which can produce severe, and sometimes debilitating pain from the slightest movement. By decreasing inflammation of the structures of the neck, you may be less likely to experience radiating pain from your neck to your shoulders and arms. Radiating pain can occur when the inflamed structures of your neck impinge on the muscles and nerves of your shoulders and arms.