Civil Litigation Lawyers: What Can They Do for You?

by | Aug 17, 2020 | Lawyers

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Civil litigation is a very common term that refers to the process of taking legal action against someone in a civil court. There’s a difference between civil law and criminal law. Civil law focuses on issues such as contract laws, carriage of goods, partnerships, and more. Criminal law focuses on penalties and punishments for those who offend the laws of society. Some lawyers specialize solely in handling civil cases, while others may handle both criminal and civil cases. Here are some of the different services that you can expect from a lawyer who specializes in handling civil cases.

Family Law Cases

One of the most complex branches of civil law is family law. Family law refers to the issues relating to families. These may involve a number of different problems. Common issues that civil litigation lawyers handle include adoption cases and divorce proceedings, as well as settlements and divisions after divorce. Due to the fact that every case is different from the rest, family law is widely regarded by lawyers as a very complicated field. Local law firms such as Zimmerman Law Offices, P.C. can help you get past this tumultuous time in your life. You can contact them online for legal representation.

Contract Breaks and Other Issues

If you are in contract with another party and they renege, you can file a case in the court of law. You will need to hire civil litigation lawyers in Chicago to help you out. The lawyer will discuss the particulars of the case first and then determine the best course of legal action that you can take against the party at fault. The lawyer will give you advice on how you can proceed with litigation and also fight the case on your behalf.