Contacting a Lawyer To Help You With a Divorce Involving Children

by | Apr 14, 2022 | Law Services

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Divorces can be nasty, long legal battles that nobody likes. They can, especially, be hard when dealing with children in the mix.

As a parent, you want to make sure you’ll have as much time to spend with your children as possible. These are some reasons why you would want to contact a Chicago parenting time attorney.


Parents can easily get emotional talking about how much time they deserve over the other parent. This can lead to a stalemate that goes nowhere.

When you get a Chicago parenting time attorney, you have someone who can talk to the attorney of the other parent regarding time. From there, they should be able to discuss things and create an agreement that the court will accept.

Child Support

If you’re taking over primary care of your child, you might have to take time off of work or not be working at all. This means that you’ll need financial support to help you take care of that child.

A reputable lawyer should help you look over your finances and get the child support you need. This will be a reasonable number that the other parent should be able to provide you.


You always need to make sure that you’re represented by a lawyer in a divorce case, children or not. Without one, you can end up losing a lot of money and time.

One lawyer group has been helping people with divorces for years. Check out Michael Craven by going to the website.