In a perfect world, your teeth would be perfectly straight and perfectly aligned; you upper teeth would just fit nicely over your lower teeth. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, and many people are faced with a situation that requires bite correction.
What a layperson calls a “bad bite” is what a dentist in West Loop calls a malocclusion. A malocclusion does not have to be bad to pose a problem; a bad bite makes it more difficult to clean your teeth which mean there is a greater risk for decay and gum related problems. Bite correction also reduces any excessive strain on your teeth and jaws which reduce the risk of breaking a tooth, and it may improve pain associated with TMJ, temporomandibular joint disorders.
Most malocclusions are found during regular dental exams; often the dentist can spot problems when you bite down, or it can be found on a panoramic X-Ray. In the worst case scenario, a bad bite may need surgical intervention, but in the majority of cases, non-surgical methods are employed.
Night guard: As the term implies, a custom made night guard is worn over the top and bottom teeth while you are sleeping. The goal is to reduce any unnecessary wear on your teeth which can lead to a bad bite.
Orthodontics: A malocclusion is often treated by a dentist in West Loop that has qualified as an orthodontist. Using either conventional braces or clear plastic aligners, teeth are slowly repositioned over a period of months. It is much easier to correct a bite problem or crooked teeth if the problem is dealt with early; this is why braces are more popular with youngsters than adults. Although this may be the case, this does not mean that adult bite problems cannot be corrected; it just will take a little longer.
If you have a bite problem, it can be corrected by a dentist in West Loop using various dental appliances and procedures. You are invited to discuss your particular problem with Pure Dental Spa.