Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where a person stops breathing for a few seconds several times during the night. It’s reason for concern because some may lose oxygen supply to the brain if it happens in abundance. Sleep apnea is put under two classifications, obstructive and central. There isn’t a clear path in the airways with obstructive sleep apnea. It usually happens when soft tissue drops in the back of the throat. The respiratory system loses control with central sleep apnea. The brain signals that tell the muscles to breathe are stagnant.
Risk factors of Sleep Apnea disorders in Allentown PA are over the age of forty, obesity, large tonsils or tongue and a small jawbone. Males are at higher risk than females. A doctor should monitor and treat sleep apnea because it can lead to serious health problems. Those who don’t get help to mitigate the condition are at higher risk for hypertension, stroke, heart failure, and diabetes. A sleep apnea test, also known as a polysomnogram, can be done by a physician. Tests are administered at home or a sleep disorder center. The device electronically gathers information of breathing patterns during sleep. The machine makes a report of the findings be analyzed by a sleep specialist.
A doctor has to diagnose the type of sleep disorder before a treatment plan can be put into action. Moderate cases of Sleep Apnea disorders in Allentown PA can be treated at home. First, certain factors that contribute to sleep apnea should be eliminated. Maintaining a healthy weight, staying away from sleeping pills and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes can help. Sleeping on the back can aggravate symptoms. Changing positions from one side to the other throughout the night improves breathing. A CPAP mask can be worn over the nose and mouth. It’s connected to a machine that streams oxygen through the nose. Airways stay open, thus preventing interruptions in breathing. Physicians can order a custom-made oral device that opens airways. Conservative methods may not work for a deviated nasal septum or enlarged tonsils. Surgical procedures on the nasal cavity or soft tissue at the end of the throat can cure sleep apnea caused by these conditions. Browse the website for more details.
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