A sinus infection is nothing to laugh at. Those who have them feel miserable and sick. The condition, also known as acute sinusitis, usually follows a cold. The cold causes bacteria to develop in the sinuses. There are four pairs of nasal sinuses. Bacteria causes a build-up of mucus, and the passages swell. The condition may be accompanied by a headache, stuffy nose, and swollen eyes. There are several other symptoms including ear pressure, drainage in the throat and aching teeth. Individuals with allergies, a deviated septum, and immune system problems have a greater chance of getting this condition.
Most of the time a sinus affection can be treated at home. First, get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Water and other fluids thin mucus. Afterward, it is easier to drain. Avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine. These liquids cause dehydration which makes the infection worse. The moist heat really helps to sooth the nasal cavities. Therefore, take hot showers and inhale the steam. Likewise, warm compresses ease the head pain. A common home remedy is to rub the forehead with Vicks menthol salve. Place the warm compress on top to open the nasal passages. A Sinus Infection in Bethlehem PA can cause fever and dizziness. If this occurs, one should see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist or ENT. In the worst cases, the ENT may send the patient for a CAT scan. This allows them to see how impacted the sinuses are.
The ENT may prescribe antibiotics for a serious Sinus Infection in Bethlehem PA. Physicians think infections are more serious if they last longer than ten days. Additionally, some sinus infections may not respond to an initial antibiotic. The ENT will have to prescribe a stronger medication. The patient is also given prescription medicine to clear mucus. Also, there are several nasal steroid sprays. These sprays help to ease inflammation in the nasal passages. Sinus infections that linger can cause meningitis and other infections. Permanent eye damage is also possible. One of the best preventatives is a periodic nasal wash. Check the local drug store for neti pot kits that contain packs of saline solution. For more information, visit the website.