Dryer Vent Cleaning in Virginia Beach for Safety Sake

by | Mar 1, 2018 | Cleaning Service

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Many homeowners are not aware that they can have professional dryer vent cleaning in Virginia Beach and that they should. Dryer vents should be professionally cleaned annually. Lint and debris can be build up in your dryer vent system and be a potential fire danger.

The Statistics

The facts are pretty alarming when it comes to the number of dryer fires that occur in the United States each year. Prevention is the key to avoiding tragedy. Each year according to information gathered by the United States Fire Administration (a branch of FEMA) the following occurs:

  • An estimated 2,900 fires start in clothes dryers in residential properties
  • 5 deaths occur each year because of clothes dryer fires
  • 34% of the fires are directly related to a “failure to clean” which is the highest percentage of causes
  • Dust, fiber and lint are the ignition materials that start the fires

The statistics speak for themselves. The majority of dryer fires are started by an unclean system. Your dryer reaches high degrees of heat, that ignite the dust, lint and fiber build up in your vent. The solution to avoid this type of fire is clear, professional dryer vent cleaning in Virginia Beach.

Years of Debris

When lint combines with moisture it becomes a quick lighting wick that can cause a tragedy. If you have not had your vent professionally cleaned in the last few years, it is time to get your family out of danger and have it done. Dry N Clean is the trusted source for dryer vent cleaning. They have been serving the Virginia Beach area since 1985 and take their commitment to their clients and the community seriously. Get your family out of danger by scheduling vent cleaning with Dry N Clean!