Being arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail can be a frightening experience. If the person being arrested is under the influence of alcohol or another substance, it can also be quite confusing. The important thing for anyone in this situation to remember is that everyone has rights. Law enforcement officers read Miranda rights when they arrest a suspect, but those are only a few of the rights a person has as they go through the criminal justice process. It’s important to speak with DUI Lawyers in Grand Forks ND as soon as possible to ensure those rights are protected.
The first right many people don’t know they have is the right to a reasonable bond. This means that a judge will set a bond that takes into account the financial resources of the defendant, the severity of the crime, and the likelihood of them returning to court. Most people are able to pay their bond to the court directly or through a bail bondsman. This gives people accused of a crime the opportunity to prepare their defense outside of jail.
Defendants also have the right to have private conversations with their attorney. Regardless of whether they are out on bail or awaiting their trial in jail, communication between a suspect and their DUI Lawyers in Grand Forks ND is confidential. Defendants who cannot pay their bail have the right to a private place to speak with their lawyer. Their conversations cannot be recorded to be used against them so it’s safe to tell a lawyer the truth. There may be some situations where an attorney is required to reveal things their client tells them. For example, if a client tells their lawyer they plan to hurt someone, the attorney may be obligated to alert someone else.
Suspects also have rights when they go to court. A defendant is not responsible for proving they are innocent. In fact, it is solely up to the state to prove the suspect is guilty, and they must prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. Contact us today to ensure your rights are protected and you have adequate defense throughout your legal matter.