FAQs Regarding Termite Control

by | Apr 8, 2013 | Pest Control

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Determining whether or not you have a termite problem can sometimes be a little bit challenging. Unlike chirping crickets or buzzing bees, the termite doesn’t make it’s presence known to the homeowner or business owner it’s affecting. In fact, some termite situations can go unnoticed for years and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. If you suspect you’re currently being affected by a termite problem, we’ve listed some FAQs that will help give you a bit of insight on the situation.

How Will I Know if I Have Termites?
Since termites are odorless and don’t make any sound, it can sometimes be difficult to determine if they’re present or causing damage to your home. However, you can sometimes detect them in the spring. Check around your home (specifically near windows) to see if you detect any bugs trying to exit your home. You can also check in mulch or flower beds that border your home.

Can I Be Sure the Problem is Taken Care of?
When it comes to termite control Tempe, exterminators here have started using very advanced methods that essentially kill the colony from the inside out. This not only helps to ensure that the problem is solved now, but it prevents any lingering members of the colony from causing more issues in the future. It’s a fully comprehensive approach to pest control regarding termites.

Does the Problem Need Addressed Right Away?
Whatever your cause may be for asking a question like this, we assure that termites are not something you want to put on the back burner. If left unattended, you could end up with thousands of dollars worth of damage. Termite control experts will work with you in terms of scheduling and pricing to ensure that you’re able to have this important job completed before the issue gets any worse.