Four Distinct Advantages of Using an Experienced SEO Company

by | Oct 9, 2019 | Internet Marketing

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If you’re just starting out as a business owner or struggling to gain market share, you need to start harnessing the internet more. One of the best ways to accomplish that is by executing a successful SEO campaign. That’s when you need to call an experienced SEO company to help you. Here’s why.

Impressive Credentials

An experienced SEO company in Charlotte, NC, will often have five, 10 or even 20 years of experience helping clients build its client bases online. It also employs SEO specialists who know how to optimize copy and landing pages, build links and use keywords and meta tags to increase clients’ rankings in major search engines.

Cheaper Than Hiring

It is usually much more cost-effective to outsource search engine optimization services than hire a full-time SEO specialist. That’s because Charlotte SEO specialists earn average annual salaries of $58,559, according to You’d also have to pay these employees health and insurance benefits. By comparison, your SEO agency will tailor a campaign that better meets your budget.

More Organic Traffic

With a talented SEO company in Charlotte, NC, you’ll significantly increase the organic traffic on your website. This is traffic that comes purely from people’s online searches, meaning they’re highly targeted and ready to buy.

Additional Services

More established SEO companies in Charlotte, NC, will provide other essential digital services, including web design, social media marketing, content marketing and digital fencing. This enables you to use one supplier for all your digital marketing needs.

Using an experienced SEO company will also generate more leads for your business. These are highly qualified leads your sales representatives can easily convert into revenue.

Adapt Media Agency is a full-service digital marketing agency that focuses on emerging and midsize organizations, changing the way these entities approach their internet marketing. To learn more about Adapt Media Agency or to get a free website audit, go to website.