Good Reasons to Choose a Tripwire Alarm System

by | Dec 11, 2018 | Shopping

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Are you interested in personal safety? Maybe you need to walk to your car at night, or you have other safety concerns. You might want to consider a good tripwire alarm system. Here are some important reasons to choose this kind of system.

What is a Tripwire?

Suppose you wanted an alarm to alert you of intruders. You could use home motion sensing equipment but what happens if you are out and away from home? A tripwire alarm system uses wire or cords which when stretched releases a mechanism, triggering a loud noise. This is the basic principle behind this type of warning system.

Protect Your Children

Do you need a way to keep small children from entering areas which could cause them harm? Suppose you want to make sure your child does not venture outside when you are not looking. You could keep doors locked but what happens if you forget? You can use a personal alarm which activates by pulling a pin or handle. Attach wires to each end, and when someone crosses the wires, it pulls the pin and activates the alarm.

Perimeter Protection

Do you like to camping out in the wild? In some places, you could have unwelcome visitors like bears, wolves, or other animals entering your camp. Stretch a wire or cord across the perimeter and connect it to trees or other natural objects. Connect each end to your personal alarm, and you have excellent intruder alert protection.

Home Security

It is not hard to rig an effective tripwire alarm system with a personal alarm device. You can stretch a cord across windows or doorways. When anyone enters your home, it sets off the alarm. This system works even if you have a power failure. It creates a very loud noise which penetrates walls.