Has The Time Come For a New Heater Installation in Peoria, AZ?

by | Nov 22, 2023 | HVAC Contractor

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The last couple of cold snaps have left you wondering about the state of the home’s heating system. It didn’t seem to be performing quite as well. Is this a sign that you need to start thinking about a new quality heater installation in Peoria, AZ? If any of the following holds, now is the time to get in touch with a contractor.

The primary issue you’ve noticed is that the home is no longer kept at a uniform temperature. While some parts of the house are comfortable, others are cooler. That was not the case in years past. It’s possible that a repair would remedy the situation, but it could also be a sign that the current system won’t last much longer.

Maybe the home is still warm, but the monthly power bill is up significantly. Comparing the current bill with the same period last year confirms that the rates have not changed. What is different is the amount of energy it takes to heat the home. Replacing the current system with a new one could get those bills back to a reasonable level.

Last, you’ve had a professional check the system. The verdict is not what you hoped. While the unit could be repaired, the expense is prohibitive. Even with the repairs, the professional predicts that the unit will only keep going for another couple of years. Since the cost of replacement is close to that of repairs, why not invest in a new heater installation in Peoria, AZ that will last much longer?

Once you know what’s wrong and what alternatives are available, it will be easier to decide what should happen next. You may find that installing a new heating system makes the most sense from the standpoints of comfort, energy consumption, and overall cost of operation.