Once you decide to get a massage, you may soon be overwhelmed with all the choices. Each technique has specific benefits, requiring you to evaluate what you want from your body massage in Orlando. The following are standard techniques used to help you achieve your goals.
Swedish Massage
The type of massage most people recognize is the Swedish massage. This body massage in Orlando uses various strokes to reduce or eliminate pain and alleviate stress. It’s one of the easiest techniques to learn, allowing every massage therapist to offer this method. With underlying strokes and kneading, you will feel your tension melt away and leave the massage spa feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massages are popular. This body massage in Orlando focuses on the muscles, deeply kneading them to alleviate knots and help you relax. Other massage techniques focus on the surface below the skin, but this method goes deeper. It’s the ideal technique to encourage injury healing and reduce pain and discomfort related to various medical conditions.
Sports Massage
Sports-related injuries pose significant challenges for healing. Athletes need to heal quickly to get back in the game. With a sports body massage in Orlando, your therapist will focus on the injured area to stimulate blood flow for faster healing. This massage method can help prevent new injuries and protect against injury recurrence.