Divorcing parents have to make a decision about where their children will live after they separate or the court will make it for them. In the past, mothers most often got custody of children. Single fathers were rare and only got custody under unusual circumstances. Today, fathers invest a lot of time in the care of their children and bond with them as much as mothers. Women should not assume they will get custody without a fight.
Mothers No Longer Have an Advantage
Whether a father wants custody of the couple’s children because he thinks he can offer them a better life or he simply wants to get back at their mother, a mother who wants custody should retain a Child Custody Lawyer in Winnebago County IL early in the divorce process. A custody lawyer may get to know the family and learn the reasons why the mother thinks she will be the better choice as their custodian so he or she can represent their interests in court.
The Parenting Plan
Divorce courts understand that it’s often in the interests of children to maintain a relationship with both of their parents. This is why courts encourage parents to submit their own parenting plan. Parents may work together or independently with the help of their attorneys to complete their parenting plan. Some parents find that working with a mediator is the most effective way to develop a plan they feel confident the judge will approve.
An effective parenting plan will give each parent a reasonable amount of time with their children. The standard plan just isn’t feasible for most couples today, so it’s important for parents to at least try to make an agreement without court intervention. Although parents might not want to compromise on holidays or special occasions, doing so could result in a parenting plan that is easier to manage than the standard court-issued plan.
It’s important to start with an experienced Child Custody Lawyer in Winnebago County IL. Parents who want a lawyer who will fight for their rights as a parent can cick here to learn more or to schedule a consultation.