Those who have been chosen to be the personal representative of a friend or family member’s estate should recognize that this is a significant responsibility, usually requiring one to navigate through some complex Probate Laws in Chicago. Having a qualified legal representative will make the process much faster, allowing the individual to focus on their family or friend while an attorney attends to the details. There are a few questions to ask when hiring a probate attorney.
What Percentage of the Practice is Devoted to Probate Law?
Depending on a variety of factors, it is good to have an attorney that has an in-depth understanding of probate law. For example, those who expect someone to challenge a will or an issue, the outcome may depend on having someone with that specialized experience handling it.
Length of Time Practicing
While an attorney fresh out of college is perfectly capable of providing high quality service, it’s typically in a person’s best interest to hire a firm with an established reputation for results. Don’t hesitate to ask for references from previous clients who had issues like those being faced. This will allow a client to get an idea of the level of service they can expect from a firm.
What Type of Probate Should Be used?
Depending on the documentation the decedent left behind and the dynamics of the family, a probate attorney may recommend opening the estate formally or informally. The latter is often faster and simpler, but an attorney will help in deciding if the formal process is more appropriate.
Have They Practiced in this Court Before?
Each count and even different judges within them have their own preferences about how they prefer documentation to be prepared and evidence to be submitted. Having an attorney with experience in a particular court can prevent delays and make the process go smoother.
How Long Should Probate Take?
While nobody can offer an exact timeline, they should offer an estimate on how long the process will take. This is assuming there are no unexpected delays or problems with the estate.
Those needing an expert to help with Probate Laws in Chicago can turn to The law office of Starr Bejgiert Zink & Rowells. The attorneys here have more than 80 years of combined experience. Call today for a free initial consultation.