Houston Furniture Movers – Red Flags

by | Jan 24, 2013 | Moving

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If you are in need of Houston furniture movers, there are several factors that you ought to consider. These factors will help you select a mover that is reliable. Many resources provide you with information on what you ought to look for in furniture movers. Very few resources show you what red flags you ought to look out for. Understanding what the red flags are will help you spot a con artist from a mile away. The following are some of the most common red flags encountered when hiring movers for furniture:

1. Rates
Many companies try to get the better of their clients by charging per-hour-rates. This is not a bad thing as some honorable companies do this too. However, there are companies that seek to charge you per hour and abuse the rates to make you pay much more by causing delays that are uncalled for. It is therefore important to seek a company that can provide you with a definite quote for the job. They should visit your home or office to view the furniture and give you a definite quote. The price quoted should therefore not change after the move as the movers have already had a chance to view the furniture and know what they are getting into.

2. Hidden costs
One of the best ways of identifying a reliable company with affordable rates is by requesting quotes from different companies you have shortlisted and comparing them. Many people simply look at the price quoted and choose the cheapest company. However, there are red flags in the quotation that you ought to look for. The biggest red flag is ‘hidden costs’. Some Houston furniture movers will fail to include tax or mileage in the quotes. This will result in an inflation of the cost of the services on the actual day of service. You should therefore take time to examine the quote for any such hidden costs.

3. Paying upfront
When dealing with furniture movers, it is important to pay after the services have been done. You may be requested to pay a percentage upfront in some cases. However, if a service requests you to make a full payment upfront, take it as a red flag. The payment acts as an incentive for the movers. If you pay upfront, you will be taking the incentive away and they are not likely to provide you with quality services.

As can be seen, most red flags when dealing with Houston furniture movers have to do with money. This is because this important resource is so easy to take even when you have worked so hard for it. Ensure that your money is spent wisely by taking note of the tips provided above.

There are various factors to consider when choosing Houston furniture movers. Find out more here.