As your company grows, the need for a solid demand generation plan becomes more apparent. Demand generation not only ensures a continuous supply of new potential customers, but it can also impact other marketing efforts such as website performance, social media interaction, and email engagement.
One of the main benefits of demand generation is that it can help to improve your website’s performance. This is because when you have a strong demand generation strategy, you are constantly driving new user traffic to your website which can help to increase its ranking in search engines. In addition, this new traffic can also help to improve your website’s conversion rate as target customers engaged through demand generation campaigns are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
Increased demand generation can also lead to changes in social media engagement. By getting in front of target customers with banner ads and other forms of awareness advertising, you keep your business top of mind. If people are already interested in your product or service, they are more likely to follow your social media accounts and engage with your content. This can help to increase the reach of your social media campaigns and help you further build relationships and loyalty among target customers
Finally, demand generation can impact email marketing efforts. Customers who are aware of your brand are more likely to sign up for your email list. With a larger email list, you can reach more people with your marketing messages. Leads that are already a part of your email list can be retargeted through banner ads, increasing the number of touchpoints you have with them and the chance that they will buy.
Building demand for your business has a down-funnel effect, impacting all other marketing efforts. The level of impact is only as great as your awareness efforts though. To learn more about building a successful demand generation campaign, get in contact with the experts at Awarity.