How Doggie Daycare Can Benefit Your Dog

by | Feb 4, 2019 | Dog Day Care Center

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You are not the only one who hates long workdays. Being home alone can be stressful for many dogs. Separation anxiety may lead to lethargy, destructive behavior and other negative outcomes. Enrolling your pet in doggie daycare helps restore joy to your dog’s weekdays by offering opportunities for exercise, socialization and more. Here are a few reasons why you should consider daycare services.

Outdoor Time

No one likes being cooped up inside all day, dogs included. At Aunt B’s Pet Resort & Spa, we offer your dog a chance to explore the outdoors with a visit to our four-acre dog walking park or time in one of our private play yards. Your pet will also get regular bathroom trips, so you do not have to worry about coming home to any messes. This is especially helpful for younger and older dogs who often need more frequent potty breaks.

New Friends

Dogs in our daycare can avoid the boredom blues by playing with other dogs throughout the day and enjoying a one-on-one play session with a caregiver. If your pet does not like to spend time with other dogs and prefers all the love for himself, never fear. Aunt B’s is happy to provide private socialization opportunities so that your dog can still receive plenty of personalized bonding time.

Comfort & Safety

Whether your dog is in our daycare or our longer-term pet boarding, comfort and safety are a top priority. Your dog will be kept in a safe environment and receive any attention needed throughout the day. You do not have to worry about him falling on the staircase or getting into your chocolate stash.

Next time you head to work, give yourself peace of mind knowing that your pup is spending their day sniffing and playing with friends. For longer trips, Aunt B’s Pet Resort & Spa also offers a variety of pet boarding services. Whatever type of care your pet needs, Aunt B’s can provide the relaxing and attentive experience your furry friend deserves. Call 608-846-4115 to learn more.